The subject title for this particular post could be applied to just about every post I’ve written on here yet. The remainder of my week post-results was busy. My Mum just asked me if Reg Grundy is dead. I really have no idea. I could, by all accounts, Google the potential demise of an Aussie…
Month: July 2011
The Results Are In…
At whatever ungodly hour it is right now, I decided to awake from my half slumber and check for my uni results for semester 1. Human Resource Management – 70 Human Resource Development – 70 Organisational Behaviour – 67 Strategic Management – 60 I’m feeling quite proud of myself right about now. While those marks…
Catching Up
This past week was basically devoted to catching up with a few people I haven’t seen in a while. Unfortunately, I didn’t get to fit in as many people as I would have liked, but Spare Time and I aren’t exactly on talking terms at the moment. You know you have a good group of…
Homemade Gnocchi, Boardwalk Empire, The Tree of Life, Lygon Street, Carbon Tax
I think the title of this post takes home the award for Longest Blogostino Title Ever or alternatively the award for Blogostino Title Least Likely to be considered a Dadaist poem (Even though it kind of sounds like one). Enough nonsense and into the guts of this entry already. I’ll admit this, the sequence of events…
The Politics of Drinking and Boats
Now that I’m back to ‘normal’, I managed to squeeze in a night of post-exam celebrations with a close group of friends that I haven’t managed to see (as a group, that is) in some time. We drank a lot, but oddly enough I think we were all remarkably under control. There are certain factors…
National Young Writers’ Month – Epilogue
Thanks to having three exams between the 27 – 30 of June, it made me sit down after my last entry and decided that I would have to give writing a bit of space at least until the exams were over. Now that they’re all done, you would think I would breathe this massive sigh…