
The subject title for this particular post could be applied to just about every post I’ve written on here yet. The remainder of my week post-results was busy.  My Mum just asked me if Reg Grundy is dead. I really have no idea. I could, by all accounts, Google the potential demise of an Aussie…

The Results Are In…

At whatever ungodly hour it is right now, I decided to awake from my half slumber and check for my uni results for semester 1. Human Resource Management – 70 Human Resource Development – 70 Organisational Behaviour – 67 Strategic Management – 60 I’m feeling quite proud of myself right about now. While those marks…

Catching Up

This past week was basically devoted to catching up with a few people I haven’t seen in a while. Unfortunately, I didn’t get to fit in as many people as I would have liked, but Spare Time and I aren’t exactly on talking terms at the moment. You know you have a good group of…

The Politics of Drinking and Boats

Now that I’m back to ‘normal’, I managed to squeeze in a night of post-exam celebrations with a close group of friends that I haven’t managed to see (as a group, that is) in some time. We drank a lot, but oddly enough I think we were all remarkably under control. There are certain factors…

National Young Writers’ Month – Epilogue

Thanks to having three exams between the 27 – 30 of June, it made me sit down after my last entry and decided that I would have to give writing a bit of space at least until the exams were over. Now that they’re all done, you would think I would breathe this massive sigh…