Winter, Gravity, Haircut

If the title of this post didn’t have commas included, you could mistake the title for some new form of fad whereby your hair is styled to withstand both winter and gravity. Instead, these are just the things that I have been involved in recently. And basketball. I’ve lucked out and managed to find two…

Avocado Doritos, Kiyomizudera and Reactions

Right. So this post is going to contain a lot of photos. Less wordy, more snappy (Yep. Picture puns is now what I am reduced to). First and foremost! Yes, those are avocado and cheese flavoured Doritos. Verdict? Would snack again. Perhaps with salsa next time. Taste? Slight bitterness but an unmistakeable avocado finish. The…

The Chilli Commander

Sometimes, life gives you lemons. At other times, it gives you ridiculously hot chilli. How hot, you ask? Well, dear reader, no less than 1.2 million on the Scoville scale. This is an origins story of an ordinary man who came to be known by the title ‘The Chilli Commander’. That ordinary man is me….