Happy 40th Entry!

This marks the 40th entry on Blogostino.

I’d like to thank you for reading weekly/fortnightly/intermittently!

If you are reading daily, I apologise for the lack of updates, but really hope you don’t show up on my doorstep with a knife.

To celebrate, I’ll be holding a party on the moon. You’re all invited, but you’ll have to find your own way there. I only have one pair of rocket boots  and enough fuel and oxygen for me to last the return trip. Total time spent on the moon will be approximately 15 minutes (which in moon time is like, 10 years).

A total of five events to take place will be determined by popular vote in descending order. Your choices are as follows –

1. Moon Baking Classes
2. Actual Moonwalking
3. Anti-gravity Soccer
4. Moon Cave Exploration
5. A collaborative effort to write the message ‘SEND HELP’ in letters so big that it can be seen on earth (font not important)
6. Rave party (must bring own glowsticks)
7. A screening of the pilot episode of ‘Alf’, to show space what we really think of alien lifeforms.
8. Re-enacting the moon landing – or being part of the FIRST moon landing (Ooh, controversial) – but erecting a flag that says “This is not the moon, idiot’
9. Moon buggy races
10. Pimp My Crater

I probably should have mentioned at some point in my two previous entries that they were written during or after the completion of an essay for uni. I always find that the time I actually spend writing essays or assignments is minimal compared to the amount of time I sit around trying to think of the best way to get a high mark without actually putting in much effort. I may be results-driven to a point, but I really can’t ever be bothered putting in that much effort for an assignment worth 15%. If I get anything above a ‘C’, I’m happy.

Furthermore, I should actually be writing an essay that’s due this week, but that’s beside the point.

Look! It’s another bit about public transport again!

While waiting for the train one night last week, I just started writing. This didn’t stop until I arrived at my destination. Reading over it now just makes me seem like a bit of a loon because I shifted – in no particular order – between reflections on my career, indifference, the buildings I could see and what I knew about them, a fictional piece and self-musing (or self-abusing – depending on which way you look at it). I now present to you… # WISHY-WASHY DREAMLIKE MUSIC #

Brief Public Transport Reflections On…


Genuine indifference is hard to come by these days. Being indifferent and acting indifferent are two very different things. Two teenage kids were smoking in-between the carriages of the train I was on as I was writing this. I was not indifferent to their act, but I didn’t care enough to act on their stupidity. In all honesty they probably would have called me a ‘doodlehead’ (kids say that these days, yeah?) and flipped me the bird had I said anything, thus deeming my outburst null and void.

To genuinely react to something indifferently, there needs to be no emotional attachment to the item or object whatsoever. A complete disconnect of biases, potential or realised, to disengage with something to that extent.


It always cracks me up that there’s a train station called ‘Dennis’. Someone either got lazy in the naming department or was super-creative – I can’t tell. This keeps me up most nights.


Writing without a purpose or a want, for that matter, leads to creating something out of nothing. Capturing attention or focus retention? All I really have to offer is words, and these words aren’t even any good.


Simpler things. Simpler times. Now it’s all who/where/when and what – all it needs to be is that it was. There’s no grand defining clause for moments. They come, they go, yet we persist and contest that ‘this’ mattered. A lot of this is our own inference based upon how we perceive situations.

Drunk Footy Fans

Are arseholes, generally speaking.

Tighty Whiteys vs The Rubella Fevers

No, that’s not a suggestion for wearing jocks in order to offset or potentially overcome Rubella – it’s another roller derby bout I attended!

It marked the debut bout of the emerging skaters of the VRDL. The game was unbelievably entertaining, even with the Tighty Whiteys leading by a fair margin throughout. Then with less than 5 minutes to go, the Rubella Fevers came back and took the lead by one – only for Jaz Flash Pants to pull off an incredible jam and push the Tighty Whiteys out into the lead for good. Final score was 109 – 89, from memory. Although, it does seem like not many people remember the exact score, but everyone involved in the match was on such an adrenaline spike, it’s stands to reason that the end score was the least of their concerns. Plenty of stacks, slams and whams were had along the way and I am almost certain that any residual pain felt the following day was ignored.

Special shout out here to Wednesday Atomz, who in the first jam of the game scored a grand slam which is nothing short of an awesome debut and really set the tone for the Tighty Whiteys!

Both teams were amazing and the amount of training, skill and effort put in by all skaters is nothing short of awe-inspiring. Judging by this first bout, the future of the VRDL is very bright. Get along and check out a game if you haven’t yet.

Here comes the old bait-and-switch…

For a complete change of pace right about…now, I’m going to discuss terrorism.

Yes, that’s right. The ‘T’ word. The only ‘ism’ worth a damn, in my book.

But this week’s winner for Most Unsuspecting and Useless Terrorist Attack goes to…

The idiots in Montmorency and Eltham who blew up a couple of bins.



Trash flew as far as five metres, I hear. The Trash Liberation Front have some work to do, least of all some cleaning up.

What’s worse is the fact that this got national news coverage. My (now) hometown being associated with molotov cocktails. Speaking of molotov cocktails, I liked how the press used the word ‘detonated’. You throw molotov cocktails, you don’t detonate them. Any schmuck knows that. Hell, they’re not even hard to make. I think I even saw a news report that used the word ‘terrifying’. I’ll be sure to leap out of the way in a dramatic fashion of any bin I suspect for at least the next three months, just so I can buy into the falsified threat level – emerald.

I won’t go into details on how to make one, because I don’t want to seem like I’m promoting the idea of randomly throwing molotov cocktails at objects/people. See, why not throw molotov cocktails that can do good? Ones that explode and shower everyone in the vicinity with various treats?

Anti-government supporters being shot in Yemen currently, but y’know, let’s worry about some teenagers blowing up bins because their collective sense of ennui is a much more pressing issue.

2 Replies to “Happy 40th Entry!”

  1. Fry: Hey I’m starting to get the hang of this game! The blerns are loaded, the count’s three blerns and two anti-blerns and the infield blern rule is in effect, right?

    Leela: Except for the word “blern” that was complete gibberish.

    That is how I feel about your roller derby terminology!

    1. I’d like to see how you feel after a swift kick to the crotch!

      It’s all very simple.

      You have two teams on the rink – both teams consist of a few blockers and one jammer. The blockers have to stop the opposing team’s jammer from getting ahead of them, otherwise they become the ‘lead jammer’. Only once a lead jammer has been named can points start being scored…

      And I’m pretty sure you’ve fallen to sleep now so I’ll give up and explain it to you in person!

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